Early Treatment For ChildrenPembroke Pines, FL

Early Treatment For Children

A beautiful smile is something every parent wants for their child, but sometimes that may require some extra help. Early orthodontic treatment is a great way to proactively address any potential issues with a child’s teeth, bite, and jaw in order to prevent invasive or complex treatments in the future.

At Pines Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we understand the importance of early orthodontic treatment and are here to support parents in ensuring their child’s smile reaches its full potential. Our Pembroke Pines, FL team is committed to providing comprehensive orthodontic care for children of various ages and stages of development. Read on to learn more about how we can help you and your child achieve the perfect smile!

How To Tell If Your Child May Need Early Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children should be evaluated by an orthodontic specialist no later than the age of seven, as this is when many orthodontic problems can be identified. There are also certain signs that may suggest your child needs early orthodontic treatment, such as:

  • Difficulty chewing or biting food 
  • Mouth breathing 
  • Thumb sucking after the age of five
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth 
  • Jaws that are not proportionate with the rest of the face 
  • Bruxism
  • Speech impediments or difficulties
  • Protruding teeth

If any of these signs are present, we recommend bringing your child to Pines Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics for a thorough evaluation from our knowledgeable and experienced orthodontic specialists.

What Causes Orthodontic Problems & How Will Early Treatment Benefit My Child?

Orthodontic problems often originate from genetic factors or can be caused by habits such as thumb sucking, pushing the tongue against the teeth, or extended pacifier use. Additionally, some orthodontic issues can be caused by dental trauma or improper tooth eruption due to irregular jaw development. 

With early orthodontics, the goal is to intercept any developing abnormalities and correct them before they become more serious. The result is more efficient treatment and a better smile outcome more quickly. Early treatment can have a tremendous impact on the development of dentition and facial structure, not to mention your child’s self-esteem!

By intercepting irregularities early, the patient is able to avoid more complex and expensive treatment options that might be necessary if intervention is delayed. Additional benefits your child can experience with early orthodontics include:

  • Early orthodontic treatment can help prevent overcrowding of teeth, which can lead to more complicated problems later on. 
  • Early intervention can help avoid the need for more aggressive treatments down the road, such as extensive tooth extractions, jaw surgery, and orthognathic surgery. 
  • It can also help to reduce the amount of time that braces are worn. In many cases, the treatments are shorter and require fewer adjustments. 

Ultimately, investing in early orthodontic care can help lay the best foundation for a healthy smile for years to come. 

Early Orthodontic Solutions 

If we determine that your child could benefit from early orthodontic care, we will work with you to create a customized and comprehensive treatment plan for your child’s individual needs. We may recommend one or more of these options:

  • Space maintainers: Space maintainers help to keep open space in the mouth when a baby tooth falls out prematurely, or if there is an issue with overcrowding.   
  • Palatal expansion: This is a treatment designed to address cases of a narrow jaw. It involves slowly widening the arch of the jaw using an expansion appliance to ensure enough room for all teeth to emerge properly.
  • Myofunctional appliances: This type of appliance is designed to correct problems related to tongue thrusting and thumb sucking.  

At Pines Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we have a team of highly trained pediatric orthodontists who are dedicated to providing your child with the best care possible. With early intervention, we can help ensure your child has a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come. Contact us today to learn more about our early orthodontic treatments!

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