The 7 & Up Check-UpPembroke Pines, FL

The 7 & Up Check-Up

Your child’s seventh birthday is certainly a time of great excitement! Seven years of laughter, growth, and development have passed in what feels like the blink of an eye. However, this is also a critical milestone in your child’s smile care, as this is when the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends scheduling a comprehensive orthodontic check-up.

At Pines Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we understand that something new can often come with a bit of apprehension or anxiety from both children and parents. That’s why our orthodontic check-up is designed to be stress-free, educational, and fun!

Below, you’ll learn all about this appointment, as well as what you can do to prepare for your child. If you have any questions, our Pembroke Pines, FL team is always here to help. Let’s get started!

What Is The 7 & Up Check-Up?

This check-up is a comprehensive look at the development of your child’s teeth and jaw structure with the goal of identifying any potential issues that may require timely intervention. 

Your child’s check-up will include a thorough assessment of their mouth, teeth, and jaw in order to determine if they are a candidate for orthodontics, or in the need of early interventions in orthodontic care—such as a palatal expander or space maintainer.

Why Does The Check-Up Occur At Age Seven?

At age seven, your child’s adult teeth have typically begun erupting, and their jawbone is still malleable enough to respond favorably to any necessary orthodontic treatment. The AAPD recommends a comprehensive orthodontic evaluation for children at this age because it’s the perfect time to spot potential issues before they become serious. This can mean fewer complexities and faster orthodontic treatment in the future.

What Should I Expect During The 7 & Up Check-Up?

During your child’s check-up, our team will carefully assess the mouth, teeth, and jaw to look for any signs of malocclusion (the misalignment of a child’s teeth). We’ll also discuss any habits (such as thumb-sucking) that could impact their alignment.

Our team strives to make this a positive, fun-filled experience for your child by taking the time to explain each step of the exam and answering any questions they may have. Our goal is to get children excited about their smiles and encourage them to take an active role in their dental health.

Preparing Your Child For Their First Orthodontic Check-Up

It’s important to prepare your child for their first orthodontic check-up in order to help alleviate any anxiety or apprehension. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Talk about it: Have an honest, open discussion with your child about the check-up and why it’s important for their smile. Explain to them that the appointment is meant to ensure that their teeth are growing correctly and that the orthodontist can provide helpful guidance for a healthy smile.
  • Emphasize the positive: Let your child know that our team’s goal is to make their appointment fun and educational. We want to get them excited about orthodontics and inform them how our appliances work and the impact they have on their health.
  • Get excited : Talk about the check-up in an excited, positive way. You can even make it a special event by planning a fun activity afterward or rewarding your child for their bravery and cooperation.

Again, supporting your child during their orthodontic checkup can go a long way. Before the appointment make sure to provide them with plenty of rest to reduce any tension they may be feeling. Be reassuring and encouraging; letting them know that you are there for them is invaluable. A positive attitude can often help during these visits, so it’s best to model positivity before, during, and after the appointment.

Orthodontics For Children

At Pines Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of orthodontic treatment for children in Pembroke Pines, FL . The benefits of orthodontics for kids are often overlooked in comparison to dental care, but we believe that a straightened smile is equally important. Benefits of children’s orthodontics include:

  • Improving your child’s overall health: Orthodontic treatment can help reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease. It also helps your child maintain a healthy bite, which aids in proper chewing and digestion.
  • Increasing self-confidence: A beautiful smile can help boost your child’s self-esteem and confidence.
  • Enhancing facial features: Orthodontics can help balance and improve the shape of the mouth and jaw.
  • Providing long-term results: Orthodontic treatment is designed to provide lasting benefits; even after treatment has been completed, your child’s teeth should remain properly aligned.

If you’re looking for a qualified orthodontist for your child, look no further than Pines Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics. Contact us today to learn more about our orthodontic check-ups or to schedule an appointment!

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